IASC Working Groups (WGs) encourage and support science-led international programs by offering opportunities for planning and coordination, and by facilitating communication and access to facilities. Cross-Cutting Projects encourage to explore activities which straddle disciplinary lines. They are funded by at least two of the five IASC Working Groups: Atmosphere WG (AWG), Cryosphere WG (CWG), Marine WG (MWG), Social & Human WG (SHWG), and Terrestrial WG (TWG). Since 2021, projects that include Russian researchers and / or focus on research in the Russian Arctic, can be co-funded by the International Science Initiative in the Russian Arctic (ISIRA).  For cross-cutting activities before 2019, please browse our online collection of yearbooks, the IASC Bulletin.

Project TitleProject StatusYear FundedIASC Working Group / Committee
QuIESCENT (Quantifying the Indirect Effect: from Sources to Climate Effects of Natural and Transported aerosol in the Arctic) conference Upcoming 
Summer School and Workshop on “Polar Climates: Theoretical, Observational and Modelling Advances Completed 
Surviving the thaw of frozen mountains – Workshop on mitigating the hazard of permafrost-degradation induced landslides in Alaska and the Arctic Completed 
A Polar Early Career World Summit focusing on early career involvement in ICARP IV & 5th IPY Upcoming 
Polar Educators International’s 6th International Conference and Workshop Upcoming 
Planning for the next decade in Arctic infrastructure research: a contribution to ICARP IV Upcoming 
MARAT: Marine Arctic Resilience, Adaptations and Transformations Completed
2024 MWG, SHWG
Impacts of the changing land-based cryosphere on Arctic society Upcoming 
IASC-FOX workshop to develop and coordinate input to the ICARP IV engagement phase from an early-to-midcareer perspective Completed
Chemical, biogeochemical, and physical drivers of the coupled polar atmosphere and climate: an IPY 2032-33 planning workshop Completed
AQUIRE – Assessment of key research QUestions for ArctIc freshwateR biodivErsity Completed
2024 CWG, TWG
BEPSII Early-Career Research Exchange Award Completed  2024 AWGCWG
Connecting Communities - Exploring the feasibility of connecting Polar Educators, Early Career Scientists and Arctic Indigenous representatives supporting Arctic science, traditional knowledge, and education collaboration for ICARP IV Closing 2023 AWGCWG, MWG, SHWG
Arctic Beaver Observation Network (A-BON): knowledge sharing and research coproduction conference Completed 2023 AWGCWGSHWG, TWG
Arctic Permafrost Atlas – Exhibition for European decision-makers Completed 2023 CWGSHWG, TWG
Interdisciplinary Polar Studies (IPS-2022) Modular Meeting: Arctic Amplification-Glaciers-Environment Completed 2023 AWGCWG, MWG,TWG
4th International PalaeoArc Conference and NORDQUA Excursion 2023 Completed 2023 CWG,MWG
Societal impacts of glacier and snow cover changes in a warming Arctic Completed 2023 AWGCWG, SHWG
A Cross-cutting Workshop Proposal: Polar Amplification Across Hemisphere and Seasons Completed 2023 AWGCWG
Geoengineering to save the Arctic? Assessing potential efficacy, impacts and ethical considerations across rightholders, stakeholders, and scientific disciplines Completed
Arctic PASSION-APECS Sharing Circle for early career scientists and Arctic youth Completed 2023 SHWG, TWG
IGS International Symposium on Sea Ice Across Temporal and Spatial Scales Completed 2023 AWGCWG, MWG
Ice Sheets: Weather versus Climate Completed 2022 AWGCWG, MWG
Arctic Permafrost Atlas – Maps and Graphics Completed 2022 CWG, SHWG, TWG
Atmospheric rivers and the onset of sea-ice melt (ARTofMELT)  Completed 2022 AWGCWG, MWG 
Towards Sustainable Infrastructure: Environmental, Technological, and Societal Impacts of Development in the Arctic Completed 2022 CWG, SHWG, TWG
Glacier - atmosphere interactions in a warming and wetting Arctic Completed 2022 AWGCWG
Co-creating Arctic Research together with Indigenous Rightsholders – Workshop at ASSW23 Completed 2022 CWG, MWG, SHWG, TWG

Representations of Gender in Northern Arts and Sciences (workshop and exhibition at ASSW 2023 Vienna)

Closing 2022 CWG, MWG, SHWG, TWG
A collaborative Arctic research community assessment of interactions between global change drivers, societies and subsystems through space and time (AGORA) Completed 2022 AWGCWGSHWG, TWG
Gordon Research Conference and Seminar for Polar Marine Science 2023 Completed 2022 CWG, MWG
Race and systemic bias-crosscutting workshop 2023 Completed 2022 AWGCWG, MWG, SHWG, TWG
Changing Artic rivers’ behavior: what is the Inuit perception? Completed 2021 CWG, SHWG, TWG
The Contribution of the Reproductive Health and the Quality of the Arctic Environment Completed 2021 SHWG, ISIRA
Global ecological and economic connections in Arctic and sub-Arctic crab markets Completed 2021 SHWG, ISIRA
International MOSAiC Science Conference Completed 2021 AWG, CWG, MWG
Enabling Early Career Scientist and/or Indigenous Participation in Internationally Cross-Platformed Research Cruises Completed 2021 MWGISIRA
Beavers and the borealisation of the Arctic: Understanding cascading social and biophysical change Completed 2021 SHWG, TWG
Karthaus Summerschool on Ice Sheets and Glaciers in the Climate System Completed 2021 AWG, CWG
Co-creating Arctic Research together with Indigenous Rights holders  Cancelled 2021 CWG, MWG, SHWG, TWG, ISIRA
ArcticLight Network Completed 2021 CWG, MWG, TWG
Race and Systemic Bias Crosscutting Workshop  Cancelled 2021 AWG, CWG, MWG, SHWGTWG
AGORA - A collaborative Arctic research community assessment of interactions between global change drivers, societies and subsystems through space and time  Cancelled 2021 AWG, CWG, SHWG, TWG, ISIRA
Scientists and Educators Co-developing Education Outreach and Communication tools for The Polar Resource Book Closing 2021 AWG, CWG, MWG, SHWG, TWGISIRA
Indigenous-led Wildlife and Protected Area Management   Cancelled 2021 MWG, SHWG, ISIRA
The 3rd International Conference on 'Polar Climate and Environmental Change in the Last Millennium' Completed 2020 CWGTWG
Trace Gas Action Workshop Closing 2020 AWG, CWGTWG 
Arctic YOPP Science Workshop 2020   Cancelled 2020 AWG, CWG, MWG
The Svalbard-MOSAiC workshop on snow, sea-ice and aerosol interactions in the Arctic Completed 2020 AWG, CWG
Working Group: “Integrated Ecosystem Assessment of the Northern Bering Sea – Chukchi Sea (NBS-CS)” Cancelled 2020 MWG, SHWG
Gordon Research Conference and Seminar for Polar Marine Science 2021 Cancelled 2020 MWG, SHWG
Coastal Arctic Science Teams (CoAST) Project Cancelled 2020  AWG, CWG, MWG, SHWG, TWG
Polar Archaeology Network (PAN) / Regional messenger, global message: the role of tangible cultural heritage in times of turbulence Completed 2020 SHWG, TWG
RATIC/T-MOSAiC Workshop Completed 2020 CWGSHWG, TWG
Indigenous Methodologies in Collaborative Arctic Science Completed 2020 AWG, CWG, MWG, SHWG, TWG
BEPSII* Sea Ice School – Educating a new generation of sea-ice scientists at times of rapid changes in polar regions Completed 2020  AWG, CWG, MWG, SHWG
16th International Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium (16th ICRSS) Completed 2020 AWG, CWGSHWG, TWG
Second PalaeoArc Conference Completed 2020 CWG, MWG,TWG
High-latitude Fires, Arctic Climate, Environment, and health (HiFACE) Completed 2020 AWGSHWG, TWG
Glacier - atmosphere interactions in a rapidly warming Arctic environment (NAG) Cancelled 2020 AWG, CWG
6th Snow Science Winter School Completed 2019 AWG, CWG, SHWG, TWG
Arctic urbanization and sustainable development Completed 2019 AWG, SHWG, TWG
Biogeochemical Exchange Processes at sea-ice Interfaces
(BEPSII): Shedding light into linkages between the atmospherecryosphere
and ocean
Completed 2019 AWG, CWG, MWGSHWG
The Cryosphere and ATmospheric CHemistry (CATCH): Understanding interactions between atmospheric composition and environmental ice Completed 2019 AWG, CWG, MWG 
Coastal Arctic Science Teams (CoAST) Project Completed 2019 AWG, CWG, MWG, SHWG, TWG
Gender in Polar Research: Gendered field work conditions, epistemologies and legacies Cancelled 2019 CWG, MWG, SHWG, TWG
Glacier-ocean interactions and their impact on Arctic marine
Completed 2019 CWG, MWG
International Participation in Arctic Futures 2050 Conference: Travel and reception support Completed 2019 CWG, SHWG
MOSAiC Summer School Completed 2019 AWG, CWG, MWG
Nunataryuk-T-MOSAiC-APECS Field School “Arctic Coastal Adaptation - Capacity building and knowledge exchange across borders for early career researchers” Cancelled 2019 CWGSHWG, TWG
Support for Improving IASC Working Group, Early Career Scientist, and Indigenous Knowledge Holder Participation in Arctic Council Observer Activities Completed 2019 AWG, MWG, TWG
The Future of Arctic Fjord Systems Workshop Completed 2019 CWG, MWG, SHWG
Synoptic Arctic Survey Workshop   Completed 2019 AWG, CWG, MWG


  • Cross-Cutting Activities
  • Atmosphere Working Group
  • Cryosphere Working Group
  • Marine Working Group
  • Social & Human Working Group
  • Terrestrial Working Group


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