Project Description

In planning for the International Polar Year 2032-2033, the polar research community must work together to develop innovative ways to study how the cryospheric, marine, and terrestrial systems impact atmospheric composition and reactivity as well as climate. This workshop aims to bring together diverse representatives of polar research and stakeholders to begin designing a coordinated international research program that will help us better understand climate change feedbacks within the coupled Arctic and Antarctic systems. The workshop will initiate the development of priorities that will feed into defining international research goals for the coming decade as part of the Fourth International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP IV) Process.

More info and registration (spring 2024):


Date and Location 

17 – 22 November 2024  | Aussois, Alps/ France


IASC Working Groups funding the project


Project Lead

Markus Frey British Antarctic Survey, UK


Year funded by IASC





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