The scientific scope of the Atmosphere Working Group (AWG) includes scientific research towards understanding and prediction of Arctic change, and considering the fate of perennial sea ice and the global atmospheric consequences of its disappearance. This includes past climate states, investigation of Arctic processes across data sets and approaches, and climate model projections. The scope includes local and regional impacts of Arctic change.

The geographic scope of the AWG shall be the Arctic but will also include the Arctic´s responses to global change processes (arctic amplification) and impacts of Arctic changes on the northern hemisphere atmospheric circulation.


Scientific Foci

The AWG addresses topics around interactions between the atmosphere, ocean, and cryosphere, the role of the atmosphere in Arctic socio-economic development, rapid Arctic climate change, and extreme weather and Arctic predictability.

Specific topics of interest include:

  • Cloud, Water Vapor, Aerosols, Fluxes
  • Arctic Air Pollution
  • Coupled Arctic Climate System
  • Arctic Weather Extremes
  • Linkages: Role of the Arctic in the Global Climate System

These topics have been put under the three pillars of:

  1. Atmosphere in the coupled Arctic system
  2. Arctic Climate, Weather, and Predictability
  3. Arctic Pollution, socio-economic and environmental change


Work Plan

The AWG Work Plan concisely articulates (with scientifically-driven high-level specifics, not programmatic detail) how they will achieve IASC’s vision over 5 years. This plan is meant to help Arctic scientists get involved in IASC activities, and it is expected that they will evolve in the coming years as the AWG continues with its work. 




  • Cross-Cutting Activities
  • Atmosphere Working Group
  • Cryosphere Working Group
  • Marine Working Group
  • Social & Human Working Group
  • Terrestrial Working Group


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