EvgrafovaIASC is proud to announce that Alevtina Evgrafova will be joining the IASC team as IASC Fellowship Coordinator. In this role, Evgrafova will be leading the many tasks necessary to support and continue the success of the IASC Fellowship Program. The IASC Fellowship Program provides the opportunity for early career scientists to become involved in leading-edge scientific activities at a circumarctic and international level, to build an international network, and also to develop management skills. The Fellowship Coordinator is responsible for leading recruitment, organization, community-building, and mentorship for the IASC Fellows. 

Alevtina Evgrafova is an IASC Fellow (TWG 2017) and environmental and soil scientist, who has over 7 years of professional experience gained though both academic and industrial projects. The doctoral researcher at the University of Bern, Switzerland, on the topic "The spatial analysis of soil biogeochemical properties in northern Siberia". Currently, she is looking for a PostDoc to continue her career in the Arctic research.  Besides, she has a MSc in Social Sciences and her interdisciplinary interests also encompass sustainable development, social impact assessment, policy-making, R&D in the Arctic, and technologies. Alevtina can be contacted at alevtina.evgrafova@gmail.com.


IASC would also like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank outgoing Fellowship Coordinator Dr. Emily Osborne of the US NOAA Arctic Research Program for her all too brief, but still enthisastic and impactful, service in the role. Best wishes on your next endeavors, Emily!

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