Project Summary

Recent years have seen growing recognition of the need to decolonize and Indigenize Arctic research and an increased awareness that improved collaboration between Indigenous and non-Indigenous partners in research benefits all. However, while broader experience has been gained in co-creative/co-productive projects and many funding guidelines now explicitly ask for co-creative approaches, these terms risk to become mere box-ticking masking continued exploitative research practices. Similarly, good intentions do not always amount to ethical and equitable projects. More in-depth exchange is required to better understand the structural and practical requirements to ensure mutual understanding of what defines ‘cocreative’ and ‘Indigenous-led research’ to ensure Arctic Indigenous Peoples’ right to self-determination in research. Building on the practical experiences and momentum of two documents co-developed by a group of Indigenous and non-Indigenous co-authors engaging with different aspects of co-creative and Indigenous-led research, this project creates inclusive spaces for further discussion and understanding on these issues, culminating in a document highlighting advice and agreed upon definitions and contributing practical solutions to the 4th International Conference on Arctic Research Planning Process (ICARP IV).


Date and Location: 

May/June 2024 I Bodø, Norway

October 2024 I Reykjavik, Iceland 

IASC Working Groups funding the Project:


Project Lead

Nina Doering (Research Institute for Sustainability - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam (RIFS), Germany


Year funded by IASC



Project Status




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