Final Report

The workshop integrated two special activities. The first, “Understanding atmosphere-glacier-ocean interactions and their implications for the pan-Arctic glacier mass budget” represents a long-term strategy of the Cryosphere Working Group and NAG. The second theme broke new ground: an IASC cross-cutting activity of the Cryosphere and Marine working groups of IASC, addressing “The importance of Arctic glaciers for the Arctic marine ecosystem”.

Interdisciplinary work requires that researchers from the involved disciplines get to know each other and learn to understand each-others scientific jargon. The IASC cross-cutting activity contributed in building a bridge between the cryosphere and biosphere community. NAG aims to elaborate this initiative in the years to come and work towards the involvement of members from other relevant disciplines, such as physical oceanography, ocean biogeochemistry, as well as terrestrial ecology.

The next workshop on the dynamics and mass balance of Arctic Glaciers and Network on Arctic Glaciology annual meeting will be held at Bardøla Hotel in Geilo, Norway, 20-24 January 2019. More information will be distributed via Cryolist and the until summer 2018.


Workshop Objectives

  • Present and discuss new results on observations and modelling of the dynamics and mass budget of Arctic glaciers, including the Greenland ice sheet.
  • Provide a forum for glaciologists and marine biologists to present and discuss their work and to stimulate future collaborations.
  • Plan and coordinate field work with the aim of using available infrastructure and logistics in the most efficient way.


Workshop Material

Workshop Report

Workshop Slides


Date and Location: 

22 - 24 January 2018 | Obergurgl (Austria)


IASC Working Group / Committees funding the Project:


Project Lead

Thorben Dunse


Year funded by IASC



Project Status





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