Final Report

The 4th Snow Science Winter School (SSWS) brought together 24 students from many 13 countries. Organized by the Snow study center (CNRM/CEN - Météo France/CNRS) WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF from Davos, Switzerland, the Station Alpine Joseph Fourier (SAJF), the Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement (IGE/OSUG – CNRS / Grenoble INP / IRD / UGA), and the Finish Meteorological Institute FMI,, the snow school focused on modern snow measurement techniques and alpine snowpack detailed modelling. Traditional and modern field instruments were available for the students to get hands-on experience in the field, together with introductory lectures. Two full field days of exercise were organized close to Col du Lautaret and gave a first feeling for a self-organized expedition. The success motivated the lecturers to prepare a 5th SSWS that will take place in Finland in 2019.

For more information please see the SSWS website.


Workshop Material

Workshop Report


Date and Location: 

11 - 17 February 2018 | Col du Lautaret (France)


IASC Working Group / Committees funding the Project:


Project Lead

Martin Schneebeli


Year funded by IASC



Project Status





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