Project Summary

The international Summer School in Glaciology in McCarthy in central Alaska will bring together 28 students from around the world as well as 7-8 glaciology instructors. The course will consist of a combination of lectures, computational exercises, student projects, glacier excursions, and student poster presentations and a mini-conference where the students present their project results. Topics focus on glaciology with a strong regional focus on Arctic glaciers and the Greenland ice sheet. Since glacier changes are driven by processes at the glacier-atmosphere and the glacier-ocean interfaces, topics also include cross-cutting themes like ice-ocean interactions and processes at the ice surface–atmosphere interface and their modeling.


Date and Location: 

June 2024 | McCarthy, Alaska, USA


IASC Working Group / Committees funding the Project:


Project Lead

Regine Hock, University of Oslo, Norway) and University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA 

Martin Truffer, University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA 

Year funded by IASC



Project Status





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