When: 18-20 September 2019 | Where: Oslo (Norway)
Contact: Steve Arnold, Kathy Law, Maria Sand, Marianne Lund

Around fifty scientists with interests in Arctic air pollution gathered in Oslo, Norway, for the 3rd PACES Open Science Meeting in September 2019, where recent research highlights and ongoing and planned activities within “Air Pollution in the Arctic: Climate, Environment and Societies” (PACES) initiative and more broadly were discussed in-depth. Scientific session themes included long-range pollution transport to the Arctic and global-scale linkages, Arctic aerosol-cloud interactions, local Arctic air pollution sources and high latitude polluted boundary layers, and sustainable Arctic development. More than 25 scientific presentations were given and11 posters were presented across these topics, with additional group discussion around plans for new Arctic field activities and modeling exercises focused on addressing knowledge gaps in Arctic air pollution, sources and impacts. Funding from both IASC and IGAC allowed supported attendance of around 10 early career scientists.


  • Strong engagement from the aerosol-cloud interactions community, with a highly active session on exploring links between our understanding of Arctic polluted and natural aerosol sources and implications for Arctic clouds and climate.
  • Development of a plan for a new set of model experiments under PACES Working Group 1, focused on comparing model performance and addressing model uncertainties during specific long-range pollution transport events from Asia to the Arctic.
  • Continued discussion and planning for a range of field activities centred on improving understanding of chemical processing and impacts of air pollution in high latitude towns and cities under PACES Working Group 2. These include the planned Alaskan Layered air Pollution and Chemical Analysis (ALPACA) project, and the “Twin Cities” concept for assessment of risks associated with weather and air pollution in Arctic urban environments, and comparison across different settlements (in collaboration with the WMO GURME initiative).



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