This is the second call for papers for the 16th International Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium (ICRSS) that will be held at the University of Alaska Fairbanks from 16-20 May 2022.

The abstract template can be found here and the abstracts should be emailed to our updated Symposium email address - - by 21 March 2022.

We are working on getting the registration portal finalized and will share the link shortly. In the meantime, here are details related to full registration fees for the Symposium (daily rate options will also be available):

Early Bird - Before April 1st


Late Bird - After April 1st

Type of Registration




Type of Registration




Full Registration


Includes conference registration, lunches, icebreaker, banquets, and poster session for duration


Full Registration


Includes conference registration, lunches, icebreaker, banquets, and poster session for duration


ECR Full Registration (<5 yrs post degree)


Includes conference registration, lunches, icebreaker, banquets, and poster session for duration


ECR Full Registration (<5 yrs post degree)


Includes conference registration, lunches, icebreaker, banquets, and poster session for duration


Student Full Registration


Includes conference registration, lunches, icebreaker, banquets, and poster session for duration


Student Full Registration


Includes conference registration, lunches, icebreaker, banquets, and poster session for duration


Accompanying Guest Registration


Includes conference registration, lunches, icebreaker, and poster session for duration


Accompanying Guest Registration


Includes conference registration, lunches, icebreaker, and poster session for duration

At the moment, we are still anticipating that the Symposium will take place in person with a virtual option for those not able to attend. Given this, much of the meeting will be organized for in-person attendees. We will also include some virtual content for remote participation, likely including both real-time and asynchronous interactive sessions. 

We have received support from the US National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs and the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) to increase participation among students and early career researchers. Please contact the organizing committee if you are a student and/or ECR and in search of support to help make your attendance possible.

Please visit the Symposium Webpage for updates on the Covid Mitigation Plan and the UAF Covid resources page.

The 16th ICRSS organizing committee looks forward to seeing you in Fairbanks in May!



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