Marty BergmannIt is with great sadness that I write this note. On Saturday 20 August, Marty Bergmann was killed in the crash of First Air flight 6560 near Resolute Bay, Nunavut, along with 11 other passengers and crew members. Marty was a friend, colleague, mentor, leader and inspiration for so many within the Arctic science community. As Director of the Canadian Polar Continental Shelf Project (PCSP) he has led the revitalization of scientific logistics and infrastructure in the Canadian high Arctic.

As Chair of the Forum of Arctic Research Operators (FARO), Marty played a significant role in facilitating dialogue, cooperation and collaboration between national research agencies and funders operating around the Arctic. And during his time as Chair of the Pacific Arctic Group (PAG) Marty was instrumental in building a sustainable network of marine observing programs in the Pacific Arctic region.
During the past few weeks I was fortunate to spend time with Marty at several events, including a week-long transit on CCGS Louis S. St. Laurent from Resolute to Cambridge Bay. As usual, Marty was full of enthusiasm and overflowing with new ideas and schemes to improve scientific capacity for understanding the Arctic environment and the people who live and work there. Like many others, I will miss his good company, humour, generosity and professionalism. Marty’s legacy will not be forgotten or neglected. On behalf of IASC, I extend condolences to his wife Sheila and his children, and all of Marty’s family, friends, and colleagues.

David Hik
IASC President

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