The IASC Medal is awarded in recognition of exceptional and sustained contributions to the understanding of the Arctic. A maximum of one award is made each year, assuming that there is a nominee of appropriate quality.

The whole IASC community, from all countries and career stages, is encouraged to submit a nomination by sending this form to the IASC Executive Secretary, demonstrating the nominee’s excellence (see evaluation criteria) and sustained contribution to the understanding of the Arctic.

Nominations for the 2022 IASC Medal, which is expected to be awarded at ASSW2022 in Tromsø (Norway) can be submitted to the IASC Secretariat until 31 December 2021.

IASC seeks a diverse slate of nominees for the IASC medal; a list of previous IASC Medal recipients is available on the IASC website. To aid in soliciting a more diverse set of nominations, these figures show some statistics from previous IASC Medal nominees:


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