The Arctic figures strongly in TV documentaries, newspapers, and other media around the world. Polar researchers of many disciplines are an important part of this imagery as their travels and fieldwork make for visually attractive, exotic footage. Increasing interest in the Arctic has been triggered by the International Polar Year 2007-2008, and strong media coverage is one of its most beneficial outcomes.
However, the dialogue between scholars, Northern residents, the media, and the wider public is not without problems. There are multiple and contested perceptions and representations of Arctic science. There has been an increasing if not widespread awareness of potential and actual misunderstandings on all parts, but even though this issue has been raised on earlier occasions, the issue has yet to be discussed systematically. Therefore the IASC Social and Human Sciences Working Group believes it is time to explore in a roundtable format how to further address the interconnection of Arctic science, politics, stakeholders, the media, and the wider public. The roundtable is scheduled to take place on July 3rd at the seventh International Congress of Arctic social Sciences in Akureyri, Iceland.

For more information on the Roundtable and other IASC Working Group activities, please visit the website section "2011/2012 Activities" under "Service".

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