We are delighted to announce the shortlist for the 2021 IASC Medal, awarded in recognition of exceptional and sustained contributions to the understanding of the Arctic.
The shortlisted candidates are:
Robert Corell, for outstanding achievements in understanding the interface between Arctic science and public policy; and for the promotion of Arctic research through mentorship and leadership
Atsumu Ohmura, for outstanding achievements in understanding complex climate and glacier relationships, global energy budgets, and thermal energy flow in the Arctic; and for excellence in program building, international collaborations, and mentorship in the cryospheric sciences
Peter Wadhams, for outstanding achievements in understanding sea ice, ocean, and climate interactions and feedbacks; and for significant and sustained international collaborations in polar environmental research
Donald A. (Skip) Walker, for outstanding achievements in understanding Arctic geobotany, landscape dynamics, and biological conservation; and for contributions to understanding Arctic vegetation through novel mapping technique
IASC would like to thank the 2021 IASC Medal Committee, who reviewed the nominations: Karen Frey (Chair), Mary Edwards, J. Otto Habeck, Yuji Kodama, Enooyaq Sudlovenick.
The winner of the 2021 IASC Medal is expected to be announced mid-February and the winner is expected to deliver an award lecture and be presented with their Medal at the Arctic Science Summit Week 2021 online.