IASC and the Pacific Arctic Group (PAG) have formally extended a partnership agreement through 2025. Recognizing the large area of common interests, PAG and the IASC intend to work together to advance scientific knowledge in mutually agreed areas, to jointly support education and outreach efforts, and to jointly provide advice to policy- and decisionmakers who require scientific information as the basis for their actions. By working closely together, the IASC and the PAG can avoid costly duplication of efforts and identify opportunities for sharing to reduce costs on each individually.
With the present Letter of Agreement, PAG and IASC agree to continue their partnership, taking into account the development of the two organizations during the last decade. To facilitate coordination and collaboration, the PAG and the IASC agree in particular:
- To consult each other regularly regarding science interests and priorities and to develop collaborative or synergistic efforts whenever appropriate;
- To involve the PAG in the preparation and participation of the annual ASSW;
- To invite each other to meetings, including the IASC Marine Working Group; and
- To link each other ' s web sites.
The Pacific Arctic Region is loosely defined as the area lying between Russia and Alaska (Bering Strait) and extending northward including the Beaufort Gyre and Arctic Ocean and southward including the Bering Sea. PAG has four basic objectives:
- To facilitate and coordinate science operations among PAG member countries;
- To promote & facilitate data accessibility and integrated data bases for the region;
- To serve as a forum for information exchange on Pacific Arctic science programs; and
- To establish & maintain a direct link between PAG &other relevant science organizations.
IASC signs letter of agreement and memoranda of understanding in order to formalize agreements and partnerships with organizations whose work is aligned with IASC's mission and goals. IASC strives to identify areas of concrete cooperation and collaboration in its agreements.
The full text of the signed IASC-PAG agreement can be downloaded here, and more information about other IASC letters of agreement and memoranda of understanding is available here.