The IASC-supported Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) has released their report of the open planning workshop that took place 15-16 May 2019 in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
The workshop reviewed the SAS scientific objectives, planned and proposed cruises in 2020-21 and associated measurements of the SAS to obtain a pan-Arctic view of the status and change of the Arctic system, as well as to expand studies outlined in the SAS Science Plan.
During the workshop, working groups focused on twelve specific objectives, including reviewing and developing:
- Discipline specific research questions, methods, and measurements including questions of spatial and temporal scale;
- Topics for a Data management plan;
- A Blueprint for nurturing next generation of international Arctic scientists;
- Elements missing from present SAS science plan (e.g., modeling, synthesis, molecular survey for bar coding, satellite data);
- Additional measurements outside core program components (e.g., atmospheric, cryospheric, geological);
- Planned and potential transects and scientific justification for each;
- Non-ship assets (e.g., satellites, autonomous underwater vehicles, submarine data collections) including questions of spatial and temporal scale;
- Cross-calibration activities between programs/ships;
- Indigenous communities - engagement and participation;
- Potential overlapping interests with other international efforts such as e.g., MOSAiC and Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP);
- Educational opportunities, such as developing collaborative platforms (focus on PhDs); and
- Outreach through identifying target groups, messages, and opportunities.
Read the Open Planning Workshop Report (PDF - 6,993 KB)
There will also be a Synoptic Arctic Survey session at ASSW2020. Register now at