Via IASC Partner UArctic - Update: Due to extensive interest, the survey will be kept open until April 30, 2019. The results and report will be published in May 2019 (instead of late March).

The Agreement on Enhancing Arctic Scientific Cooperation was signed in May 2017 after which it has been ratified by all Arctic eight countries (USA, Canada, Kingdom of Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia). The purpose of the Agreement is to enhance cooperation in Scientific Activities in order to increase effectiveness and efficiency in the development of scientific knowledge about the Arctic. The key element of enhanced cooperation is the better access to research areas, infrastructures, facilities and data including education, training and entries and exits of the persons.
The agreement is now in force and for effective implementation it is important to know what are the needs and potential problems faced by researchers and students in getting access to Arctic (nationally and internationally). UArctic and partners has agreed to collect and provide information from its members and collaborating partners on the potentials and possible problems they have faced in getting access to Arctic.
For collecting the information UArctic has opened an online survey. 
This online survey is open to anyone who would like to contribute and its results will be shared in May 2019. No personal data will be published or shared (you can also answer anonymously), only the issues provided will be presented.  The survey has two parts, first one will focus on the agreement and second part will collect problems you might have had in getting an access to other Arctic country (based on the articles at the agreement).
The survey will be open until April 30th, 2019.  
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Kirsi Latola.

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