The 3rd T-MOSAiC workshop took place on December 10th during the ASM 2018 Conference in Ottawa, Canada. In the morning, The T-MOSAiC Steering Committee met to discuss the recently published Science Plan and the Implementation Plan, and to discuss the involvement of early career researchers and the importance of indigenous participation in all phases of T-MOSAIC. At that meeting, Scott Zolkos from the University of Alberta Canada was appointed as the first early career researcher on the EXCOM, and a second ECR position was established, to be filled via an open call by APECS.
In the afternoon, a T-MOSAiC open workshop took place, with a series of scientific presentations and discussions about several points concerning the Implementation Plan, including the development of Action Groups. The T-MOSAiC team is now on the road towards the 4th T-MOSAiC open workshop, to be held in Arkhangelsk, Russia, in May 2019. Participation is welcome from all IASC sectors.
Full information about T-MOSAiC including the endorsement process for projects is available here.