POLAR2018 organizers are getting even more excited to welcome the polar and high mountain community to Davos in June. After receiving more abstract submissions to POLAR2018 than expected, session conveners are well underway in reviewing the 2600+ abstracts!

A preliminary programme is expected to be published in February 2018, but there are a lot of steps before we get there. The first step was to allocate oral and poster slots to sessions, which was done based on the relative proportion of abstracts which requested oral presentation. Conveners are now reviewing abstracts and will be building their sessions, after which the team in Davos will put together the programme itself.

In the meantime, early-bird registration is open! Every abstract must have an author registered, so make sure not to miss out on early rates. POLAR2018 attendees are also reminded that the accommodation rates available through the conference have price parity and so will be as good or better than anything you find from the hotels or via other online booking platforms. Despite what you may have heard about Davos, housing costs are surprisingly reasonable for a wide range of options. And if you book through the conference registration system, a very little bit does go back to the conference budget - so it is a win-win!

Finally - slots for side meetings are almost full! If you want to request additional meeting space, make sure to do so before the end of December 2017. In addition, some conference rooms should be available for on-site reservation during the open science conference.

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