For the Ecsite’s 25th Annual Conference, the International Polar Foundation brings together European experts in the field of education and outreach of polar sciences in a panel session entitled ‘Melting the Ice: Polar topics for conveying climate change’. Building on activities from the International Polar Year 2007-2008, this session will introduce research and practical examples on using polar topics to implement environmental and climate issues into science, technology, engineering and math education in schools and science centres. These examples offer ideas and directions for reshaping science communication, building stronger networks for dialogue between science and society, making global challenges more clear and accessible, and improving our ability to share knowledge about our changing planet.

Ecsite is the European network of science centres and museums, linking science communication professionals in more than 400 institutions in 50 countries. The 25th Annual Conference 'People, Planet, Peace' will be held in The Hague, Netherlands from 22 till 24 May 2014.

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