The Polar Initiative organized the second edition of its biannual international Polar Symposium in Monaco from 22-23 February 2024. The symposium brought together more than 150 distinguished scientists, representatives of non-governmental organizations, Indigenous knowledge holders, and policymakers to discuss the challenges facing polar regions and their broad implications for the global system.
The symposium was co-organized by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research and the International Arctic Science Committee, in collaboration with the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco - Prince Albert I of Monaco Foundation, the Monaco Scientific Center, the European Polar Board, the World Economic Forum, with the contribution of the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists. The event received financial support from the Albédo Foundation for the Cryosphere. In addition to keynotes and panel discussions, the participants engaged in workshops, highlighting key priorities in polar research and policy, while suggesting avenues for future action. The Symposium discussed long-term collaborations in the polar regions and adaptation and mitigation strategies in response to emerging challenges. Participants reflected on how to establish the most efficient and resource effective international collaborations, how to secure equal participation for all stakeholders, including Indigenous peoples and local communities and how to prioritize science to fill the most urgent knowledge gaps. On the second day, participants discussed the global importance of the poles and suggested avenues for future strategies and actions to address the scientific and political challenges associate with the polar regions.
A summary booklet of the Polar Symposium 2024 is now available, and it is readily accessible here (PDF) or via the Polar Initiative website: Summaries of the Polar Symposium