The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) in cooperation with many partners, is coordinating a multi-year planning process for the Fourth International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP IV) lasting from 2022 until 2026. The ICARP IV process will engage Arctic researchers, Indigenous Peoples, policy makers, residents and stakeholders from around the world to discuss the state of Arctic science, the place the Arctic occupies in global affairs and systems. ICARP IV will
- consider the most urgent knowledge gaps and Arctic research priorities and needs for the next decade, and
- explore avenues to address these research needs.
The first stage of the ICARP IV process will focus on seeking community input throughout 2023 with a diverse set of engagement activities (in-person and online). Individuals, groups, networks, institutions and organisations are encouraged to organise projects and events as part of this ICARP IV engagement process and report their outcomes back to us to ensure they are included in the development of the ICARP IV research priorities and implementation plans.
The Townhall Meeting during the ASSW 2023 provided an introduction to the ICARP IV process, showed some examples of community engagement activities planned throughout 2023, and gave ASSW 2023 participants the opportunity to provide input into the process as well as ideas for engagement activities.
Visit the ICARP IV website for more information about the process and find out how you can contribute!