Registration is now open for the GEO Virtual Symposium 2022 taking place from 2 to 5 May 2022.


With the theme ‘Global Action for Local Impact’, the GEO Virtual Symposium 2022 will explore how the portfolio of GEO products and services can provide insights and evidence for policy development and decision making, which is expected to lead to local impact over time. 


The symposium will foster dialogue among local stakeholders, GEO Work Programme (GWP) activities and other partners to discuss crosscutting environmental and societal issues, and to identify potential integrative EO-based solutions in selected regions. This approach is intended to strengthen synergies among GWP activities and enhance their capabilities of supporting decisions in a real-world scenario. 


The event will also share best practices and common challenges in the following areas: user engagement, designing for impact, equality, diversity and inclusion, open data and open knowledge, supporting GEO Engagement Priorities, and the development of GEOSS. 


All discussions at the symposium will inform the development of the 2023-2025 GEO Work Programme. 


Click here to register. 


Visit the symposium website for the programme. Session agendas and speaker information will be updated in the following days. 


Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact" contenteditable="false">

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