We would like to encourage new colleagues within MOSAiC related projects to attend the conference who started after the conference registration in 2021. The registration website has reopened on 1st of March 2022 and new registrations are possible until 31st of March 2022. Abstracts for talks can be submitted and will be used to fill free slots if any become available. New abstracts for posters are welcome as well.

About the International MOSAiC Science Conference/Workshop

The MOSAiC expedition was a big success and scientists collected terabytes of data and thousands of samples during the year of the expedition. Now, more than one year after the end of the expedition, a large meeting is being organized to present and discuss the scientific results. The “International MOSAiC Science Conference/Workshop” will be held from 25th to 29th April 2022 on the Telegrafenberg campus in Potsdam (Germany). We hope to host an in-person meeting but we are planning a fully hybrid setting with strong online participation options, allowing us to adapt to any situation.

The “International MOSAiC Science Conference/Workshop” addresses the whole MOSAiC community and offers the chance to present preliminary experimental and modelling results and to enhance the interaction and interlinkages between the different disciplines of the coupled Arctic climate system. Supporting this, the meeting offers platforms to develop future analyses and publication strategies, support and foster connections to other groups and disciplines and to identify and develop joint projects. The meeting will advertise the unique data sets and attract the big modelling centers. In such a way the “International MOSAiC Science Conference/Workshop” will function as a big step towards the improvement of the sea ice and weather forecast and regional and global climate models.

More information: https://mosaic-expedition.org/science-conference/

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