The Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) has released the ICC Ethical and Equitable Engagement Synthesis Report

Within this report you will find

  • (a) guidance for the engagement of Inuit communities and Indigenous knowledge
  • (b) examples of misuse and misconduct within engagement processes, and
  • (c) considerations for important themes and concepts within the development of circumpolar protocols/guidelines.

This report is broken up into five parts, each providing guidance and considerations for the development of ICC’s circumpolar protocols/guidelines.
Guiding Engagement through Inuit Values
This section provides insight into our collective values across Inuit Nunaat. Our values should be the foundation on which we develop engagement protocols/guidelines as these values guide how we interact with the world, interact with each other, and identify and solve problems. Respecting and understanding these values is the foundation for the remaining guidance found in this synthesis report.

Guiding Engagement with Indigenous Knowledge  
This section explores what Indigenous knowledge is, how it complements science, what the common barriers and misconceptions are, and guidance for engagement in ways that result in ethical use.

Guiding Engagement with Inuit Communities
This section provides a synthesis of guidance on the ethical engagement of Inuit communities in the development of partnerships, projects, and policies. It outlines both common misconduct in engaging communities and guidance for necessary improvements.

Guiding Engagement through Inuit Methodologies
This section explores Inuit methodologies that have been recorded and asserted in Inuit Nunaat. Inuit methodologies may provide further guidance on how our communities collectively identify, discuss, and solve problems. Inuit methodologies are good examples of how values can be concretely built into engagement norms and protocols/guidelines.

Guiding Engagement through Permissions 
This section provides a brief review of different mechanisms used to grant permission, such as consent, contracts, and ownership laws. In some circumstances, these mechanisms support Inuit sovereignty and self-determination. The development of circumpolar protocols/guidelines may be an opportunity to discuss how permissions may be used

The report and associated materials can be downloaded for free at the Inuit Circumpolar Council websites: (Alaska), (Canada), and (Greenland).

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