UArctic is pleased to announce that the UArctic Congress 2022 will take place in Moscow, Russian Federation October 4-7, 2022, hosted by Lomonosov Moscow State University.
It brings together institutional leaders, indigenous representatives, academics, scientists and students from around the Circumpolar North and beyond. Congress has proved to be an excellent platform for networking and promoting cooperation in circumpolar science and higher education.The UArctic Congress 2022 is one of the Arctic Council’s Russian Chairmanship events, and its themes follow its priorities: 1. Arctic Peoples, 2 Climate Change and the Arctic Environment, 3 Socio-Economic Development in the Region, and 4. Strengthening International Arctic Cooperation (including education and research). The International Steering Committee is chaired by Moscow State University Rector Victor Antonovich Sadovnichy. We welcome sessions from all organisations committed to do Arctic research and education. The Call for Sessions will be announced on September 1. We plan to organize the UArctic Congress on site at the Moscow State University campus, but will assess the possible online/hybrid participation options.Follow the UArctic website and news for more updates.