In the final PAGES newsletter for 2024, there is a lot of news to share from working groups. There will be a number of workshops coming up in 2025, including pre- and post- PAGES Open Science Meeting (OSM) working group workshops in 2025 in Shanghai, China, by CVAS, Human Traces, Planetary Boundaries and SISAL. The IPO would also like to share the next steps with those who submitted abstracts to the OSM or applied for financial support, as well as those who applied to attend the YSM.

We would also like to inform the community that the PAGES IPO will be closed from 20 December 2024 – 6 January 2025. We look forward to connecting with everyone again in 2025 and wish everyone celebrating happy and safe holidays.

  1. Open Science Meeting (OSM) and Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) 2025 
  2. Next PAGES deadline for support
  3. PAGES Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) and EXCOM
  4. Working group news
  5. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news
  6. Other news and opportunities 

1. Open Science Meeting (OSM) and Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) 2025

a. Yesterday was the final deadline (after a 10-day extension) for abstract submission and financial support for the OSM, as well as YSM applications. On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC), the OSM and YSM Scientific Committees and the PAGES Scientific Steering Committee (SSC), the PAGES IPO would like to thank everyone who shared the news and encouraged the community to participate/ submit/ apply and attend the events! 

b. Going forward, abstracts and applications for financial support, and to attend the YSM, will undergo a review process. Convenors of the sessions will be contacted via email with instructions about the abstract reviewing process and online system shortly. 

c. Those who applied for financial support to attend the OSM, as well as to attend the YSM, will be informed of the decision by the two Scientific Committees via email in the early part of 2025 (around February). All instructions about registration and payment to attend the OSM and YSM will be communicated in that email. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the PAGES IPO via email: 

2. Next PAGES deadline for support

The next deadline to apply for PAGES support for workshops, meetings, new working groups, working group extensions and/or a data stewardship scholarship (DSS; PAGES working groups only) is 11 March 2025. Please remember to contact an SSC member about your application at least two weeks before the deadline. > Support 

3. PAGES Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) and EXCOM

There will be a number of changes on the SSC and EXCOM which will come into effect from 1 January 2025. This includes welcoming new EXCOM members and new SSC members, but also saying farewell to EXCOM and SSC members. For a full update and all the details, please visit the news here

4. Working group news

i. Working group workshops before/ after the OSM in Shanghai, China

Four PAGES working groups will be hosting workshops associated with the Open Science Meeting (OSM) in Shanghai, China. Details of these workshops will be communicated as soon as more information is available.

Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS
27–28 May 2025: "From proxy-system knowledge to spectral tuning of climate models" 

Human Traces - Synthesizing human traces in the stratigraphic record 
25 May 2025: "Detecting Early Anthropocene Signals in Asia"

Planetary Boundaries Working Group 
Date tbd. The workshop will focus on upscaling from case studies.

Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and AnaLysis (SISAL
18 May 2025: "Advances in the Interpretation of Speleothem Records"

ii. 2k Network 

Congratulations to the longest running PAGES working group who has been successful in their application for a 5th Phase. This next phase will begin in 2025. "Phase 5 will continue the overarching aims of Phase 4 to provide hydroclimatic data to constrain models used in developing future climate projections." The IPO congratulates the group on this achievement and looks forward to seeing the progress. 

iii. African Tree Ring Network (ATRN

Africa’s first dendrochronology workshop took place from 28–29 November in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and explored how tree-ring science (dendrochronology) can address climate challenges, restore ecosystems, and support sustainable development. In this historic milestone of a workshop, a founding board was established to maintain the momentum of the group’s work, representing six countries, with Aster Gebrekirstos, CIFOR-ICRAF Global Senior Scientist and PAGES SSC member, elected as its first president. PAGES congratulates Aster and everyone involved in this successful workshop. > Calendar 

iv. Floods Working Group (Floods

The PAGES-supported 3rd Floods WG Workshop will be taking place in Prague, Czech Republic, from 10–12 September 2025 on “Past floods and society. Climate variability, hydrological extreme events, environmental changes and societal resilience in floodplains”. The three-day workshop will include a field trip focusing on the 1000-year flood history of the city of Prague and reconstructed paleo-discharges of the Vltava River. Organizers of the workshop will communicate more information as soon as this is available. Sign up to the Floods mailing list to stay updated. > Calendar 

v. PALeo constraints on SEA level rise (PALSEA-Next

The PAGES-supported 2nd PALSEA-Next workshop on "Paleoconstraints on past sea-level changes" is scheduled to take place in Venice, Italy, from 16–20 June 2025. This meeting will focus on the second objective of PALSEA-Next, which is to discuss, share, and plan the next steps for new and existing databases of paleo sea-level data. More specifically, the discussion session/workshop component of this meeting will focus on summarizing the work done by the community so far. More information will follow as soon as this is available. > Calendar

vi. Planetary Boundaries Working Group 

a. Members of the working group have had their position paper accepted for publication in Global Change Ecology on “Exploring the interface between planetary boundaries and palaeoecology”. They met online on 11 November where Dr. Sabine Prader presented her research on modeling points of change for the Cape Floristic Region. 
b. The group is keen to continue their work on planetary boundaries by focusing on case studies and upscaling to regional and national levels. They are actively looking to expand their membership - especially those with expertise in upscaling. Interested people should contact Ondrej Mottl. The next meeting will take place in January 2025.
c. The group has been invited to present at the Oppenheimer Generations Webinar in 2025. Details to follow.

vii. Disentangling climate and pre-industrial human impacts on marine ecosystems (Q-MARE)

The working group will come to the end of its 3-year phase at the end of January 2025. However, the steering committee and leaders submitted a successful application to continue as a PAGES Endorsed working group from 1 February 2025. The EXCOM was very impressed with the work the group has performed in the last few years and congratulated them. We look forward to a continued relationship with Q-MARE in the future.

5. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news
PAGES is pleased to have an association with the following groups and has provided either financial support or endorsement for the workshops and conferences.

Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups
Apply for workshop or conference endorsement
See PAGES former working groups


Recently endorsed by PAGES, SCAR INSTANT has also released their first newsletter in a long time. In it readers will be able to find a roundup of the last months’ activities, and upcoming INSTANT activities, webinars, fellowships, conferences and publications. The SCAR team are also actively encouraging the community to send them relevant news and images. > Access the newsletter  

ii. 2nd SedaDNA Scientific Society Conference

The SedaDNA Scientific Society is pleased to announce that the PAGES-endorsed "2nd SedaDNA Scientific Society Conference" will take place in Tromsø, Norway from 23–26 June 2025. Abstract submissions are open and close on 10 January 2025. Travel support awards are available for students, postdoctoral researchers (up to two years post-PhD), and early-career researchers (up to five years post-PhD). > Calendar 

iii. Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP)  

In an email sent by Jean-Yves Peterschmitt on Wednesday, 4 December 2024 to the PMIP-mailing list subscribers, Jean-Yves explains why they are running test emails and why some of you may not have been receiving emails from the mailing list recently. > More information  

6. Other news & opportunities

i. 51st Online Course in Climate Time Series Analysis - funding available
The 51st course in Climate Time Series, held online annually, will be taking place from 20–24 January 2025. Advanced Climate Risk Education (ACRE) is pleased to invite researchers from institutions in developing or economically disadvantaged countries to express their interest in attending this advanced course free of charge. If you are interested, please complete and return the expression of interest form. > Calendar 

ii. Paleoverse lecture series
Paleoverse, a resource hub and community space for Paleobiologists, aims to bring the paleobiology community together to share resources, reach agreed standards, and improve reproducibility in paleobiological research. To facilitate knowledge sharing in the community, the group runs a monthly lecture series held on the last Thursday of each month from 16:00–17:00 UTC. There are three more talks in the winter series. > Calendar 

iii. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2025 (EGU
The EGU will be taking place in Vienna, Austria from 27 April – 2 May 2025. The deadline to submit abstracts for the EGU is 15 January 2025. A number of PAGES working groups, including ACMECVASPALSEA-NextPO2 and SISAL have submitted sessions. > Calendar 

iv. New paper: "Opinion: Distribute paleoscience information across the next Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports"
Motivated by communication from the PAGES IPO in May 2024, Kaufman D and Masson-Delmotte V have published an opinion piece in Climate of the Past: "Opinion: Distribute paleoscience information across the next Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports". > Access the article

v. 6th Summer School on Speleothem Science (S4)
Save the Date! The PAGES-supported 6th edition of S4 will be taking place in Marrakech, Morocco from 20–26 October 2025. The organizing committee will be announcing the call for applications soon. Details will be available on the PAGES calendar and the S4 website. > Calendar  

vi. 15th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP)
The 15th ICP will be taking place from 31 August – 5 September 2025 at the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru in India. Scientific themes include (i) Biogeochemistry and Climate; (ii) Ocean Dynamics; (iii) Paleo-monsoon / Tropical Monsoon Dynamics; (iv) Past Climate State Reconstructions; and (v) Innovation / Novel approaches in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. Registrations and abstract submissions will open in February 2025. > Calendar  

vii. AnalySeries & User's Guide
The AnalySeries team is thrilled to share the User’s Guide of AnalySeries. Created in the 90s and extensively distributed and used by the scientific community, AnalySeries came without a User’s Guide. With some delay, the AnalySeries team is finally launching the new User’s Guide of AnalySeries. You can find it in the GitHub repository of LSCE. > Read more  


Future Earth (FE)
Newsletter November 2024 

Mountain Research Initiative (MRI)  
Newsletter November 2024 

World Data System (WDS)  
Newsletter December 2024  

PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office
University of Bern, Main Building
Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland
Tel: +41 31 684 56 10  |
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