The inaugural Arctic Youth Conference (AYC), under the Norwegian Chairship of the Arctic Council (2023-2025), is a platform for Arctic youth to address the challenges and opportunities presented by the rapidly changing Arctic region. Born out of the Chairship's commitment to youth empowerment, the AYC is designed to break away from tokenism, ensuring the involvement of Arctic youth in shaping and executing the conference. This 3-day conference (January 24-26th, 2025) aims to bring together Arctic youth, Indigenous knowledge holders, young professionals, early-career researchers and students to:

  • Network with Arctic youth and Arctic Council delegates/officials
    • Develop skills in advocacy and leadership
    • Engage with and experience diverse cultures and perspectives

The conference seeks to empower youth from across the circumpolar North and shape actionable recommendations that contribute to the broader Arctic Council agenda. The main topics of the Arctic Council Arctic Youth Conference (AYC) will focus on:

  • Youth Leadership in the Arctic
    • Preservation of Indigenous Culture and Identity
    • Young Researchers and Knowledge Holders in Arctic Science: Co-development of Knowledge
    • Preparedness and Resilience
    • Mental Wellbeing

The Norwegian Chairship Youth Committee is now accepting session proposals. We welcome a creative and engaging variety of session and workshop formats, breaking with traditional conference formats. Deadline for submission: August 15th, 2024.

For more information about this conference, please visit the AYC website: https://arctic-council.org/about/norway-chair-2/arctic-youth-conference/

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