The call for projects of "The Polar Initiative" is devoted to better understanding and protecting the polar regions. The Polar Initiative was launched in February 2022 during the first Polar Symposium in Monaco.Learn more about The Polar Initiative


This pre-application session is open online from 1st to 30th June 2024 included.

Shortlisted projects will be appraised for potential funding starting in 2026. Therefore, the application for funding must be for activities starting in 2026.

No project can be directly submitted to any of the partners of The Polar Initiative. Only files submitted in the framework of this call for project proposals will be considered.

Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application by email by 31st March 2025 at the latest.

In order to be eligible, project proposals must be in line with the following sections:

A/ Priority topic:

The Foundation is launching a call for projects as part of its Polar Initiative, with a focus on projects that aim to strengthen and support decision-making processes for the protection and conservation of polar ecosystems.This year call prioritizes projects supporting the communication of the best available science and data from research to policy making, with the objective of informing processes aimed at protection of the polar regions. Key areas of interest include knowledge building, communication, and dissemination.For example, the following activities may be considered:
• Activities aimed at generating knowledge to inform decisions on the protection of polar ecosystems, beyond pure academic research. Examples include: workshops and courses, field expeditions for observation and monitoring, support of Indigenous knowledge, etc.
• Activities supporting more effective sharing and dissemination of scientific knowledge and data for a better protection and management of polar ecosystems, targeting public and policymakers. Examples include: publications and reports, public awareness, Interactive Platforms, etc.
• Conservation actions for better management and protection of the polar regions, including the management of human activities.
• Activities supporting capacity building and integration of Indigenous populations into governance bodies.
• Activities supporting science diplomacy to promote international cooperation in the protection of polar ecosystems.For projects in the Arctic, special priority will be given to projects developed and co-developed with indigenous communities.

B/ Geographic ScopeArctic and AntarcticC/ Prerequisites:

  • The application for funding must be for activities starting in 2026.
  • Any financial support requested should not exceed 50% of the total project budget(over the support period starting in 2026).
  • The request for support must not concern:
    • The regular functioning of the organizations,
    • Projects carried out by one or more natural persons, independent of any structure with legal personality,
    • Projects that are solely commercial in nature,
    • Projects with no other financial partner(s),
    • Pure research projects.

D/ Selection criteria:

If your project meets the prerequisites presented above, it will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Clarity of the information provided,
  • Originality of the approach with regards to the selected topic,
  • Added value, exemplarity and replicability of the project,
  • Measurable and concrete aspects of the project’s expected results,
  • Viability and durability of the project,
  • Concertation and involvement of the local populations concerned,
  • Quality and solidity of partnerships,
  • Technical and financial feasibility,
  • Competences of the project leaders,
  • Quality of project management,
  • Existence of a project evaluation system.

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