The first-of-its-kind Arctic Emergency Management Conference will take place in Bodø, Norway from 18-20 March 2025

Emergency management in the Arctic is a complex and fast-changing landscape. Unique Arctic circumstances such as extreme weather, scarce infrastructure and limited resources complicate emergency management. At the same time, changing environmental and social conditions are giving rise to emerging risks and increasing frequency of possible incidents and disasters. However, there are many developments in the field of emergency prevention, preparedness and response that warrant our collective attention.

From 18-20 March 2025, the Norwegian Chairship of the Arctic Council is hosting the Arctic Emergency Preparedness Conference in cooperation with the Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response Working Group (EPPR) and Nord University. The conference will provide a platform for discussions, information exchange and advancing work on emergency management in the Arctic.

Prevention, preparedness and knowledge-based response to emergencies contribute to safeguarding the sensitive environment and protecting lives, livelihoods and cultures in the Arctic. The Norwegian Chairship is convening this event to increase international cooperation in this critical area.Morten Høglund, Chair of the Senior Arctic Officials of the Arctic Council

The Arctic Emergency Management Conference aims to provide an inclusive venue for information exchange, co-production of knowledge, capacity building and establishing and strengthening partnerships. The conference will apply an all-hazards and risks approach, highlighting the importance and interconnectedness of different aspects of emergency prevention, preparedness and response in the Arctic.

We look forward to hosting this important conference, as it will be the first comprehensive venue dedicated to all aspects of the Arctic emergency landscape. As Arctic inhabitants, especially Indigenous Peoples, are increasingly facing risks posed by the changing environment, there is a clear need for this conference to strengthen understanding, capacity building and cooperation on all levels from local to global.Ole Kristian Bjerkemo, Chair of EPPR

About the conference

This is one of the first international conferences dedicated to a holistic view of Arctic emergency management. The conference will provide a platform for discussions, information exchange and advancing work on emergency management in the Arctic.

Conference topics will include, but are not limited to:

  • Natural and man-made disasters
  • Marine environmental response
  • Search and rescue
  • Radiological and nuclear preparedness
  • Small Arctic communities
  • Indigenous priorities and Indigenous Knowledge
  • Climate change impacts and effects
  • Wildland fires
  • Health preparedness
  • Advancing prevention and preparedness in cruise tourism industry
  • Exercises

The conference will be held at Nord University. Nord University is a young university with strong regional ties and a global perspective. Over an extended period, Nord University has systematically strengthened expertise in the field of crisis management and emergency preparedness in the Arctic. Its pursuit of knowledge aims to address what is necessary for achieving positive and sustainable development, thereby contributing to a safer society. Nord University’s Center for Crisis Management and Collaboration contributes to the realization of the university's prioritized focus area within societal security.

Submit a poster or oral presentation

The Arctic Emergency Management Conference 2025 will also provide an opportunity to participate in its scientific session with poster and oral presentations. Submissions for poster and oral presentations are welcome on the following topics:

  • Search and rescue in the Arctic
  • Marine environmental response in the Arctic
  • Radiological and nuclear preparedness
  • Wildland fires in the Arctic
  • Arctic communities
  • Health preparedness in the Arctic

All contributions should be in line with the proposed themes and contribute to the priorities for Norway's Chairship of Arctic Council. Submit your proposal here.

The deadline for submissions is 23 September 2024. The Scientific committee will notify on acceptance for poster or oral presentation by 18 October 2024.

Conveners and organizing committee

The conference is part of the official program of the Norwegian Chairship of the Arctic Council (2023-2025). The Norwegian Chairship is the main organizer and host of the conference. EPPR and Nord University are co-conveners and are responsible for the program. Nord University is the local host.

Upcoming registration

Registration will open in the coming weeks. For more information, please visit the conference website.

Learn more on the event webpage.

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