In the PAGES May newsletter we are thrilled to announce the release of the latest PAGES Magazine on (Paleo)-Earthquake and -Tsunami Science. We hope that readers will enjoy it, and thank everyone involved in bringing this issue to life. This is also a last reminder for anyone wishing to submit a session proposal for the PAGES Open Science Meeting (OSM) in Shanghai, China, next year. The deadline is 15 May (in one week!). PAGES would also like to highlight that the call from the IPCC for the nomination of experts to draft the outline for the 7th Assessment Report has been released. We believe it is very important that the PAGES community get involved. You can find out more below.

  1. PAGES' 7th Open Science Meeting (OSM): Session proposal deadline
  2. Past Global Changes Magazine: New issue it out
  3. IPCC calls for nomination of experts to draft outline of the Seventh Assessment Report
  4. PAGES Mobility Fellowships
  5. SSC Annual meeting in Marrakech, Morocco
  6. Working group news
  7. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN)
  8. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news
  9. Future Earth
  10. Other news and opportunities

1. PAGES' 7th Open Science Meeting (OSM): Session proposal deadline

The PAGES IPO would like to remind everyone that the deadline to submit a session proposal for the 7th OSM is on 15 May (in one week!). The OSM will be taking place from 21–24 May 2025 in Shanghai, China, and online. The IPO also encourages all PAGES working groups to inform us if your group is planning to host a workshop or meeting before or after the OSM. > More information 

2. Past Global Changes Magazine: Vol. 32 (1): (Paleo)-Earthquake and -Tsunami Science is out!

a. The special issue on (Paleo)-Earthquakes and -Tsunami Science is out and available to read online. In this issue readers can find “a wide range of techniques to study recent (years to decades ago) and (pre)historical earthquakes and tsunamis performed in diverse terrestrial and aquatic settings. The studies presented cover regions that are characterized by high recurrence rates of seismic (and related tsunami) activity, as well as those with large time gaps between events. A variety of methodologies is included, all aiming to better understand location, timing, and recurrence rates of earthquakes and tsunamis. Novel concepts and methodologies, as well as challenges regarding the identification of the seismic and tsunami hazard in the geological record, are presented." Guest edited by Katrina Kremer, Michael Strupler, Katleen Wils, Renaldo Gastineau, Tatiana Izquierdo and Iván Hernández-Almeida, we hope that you enjoy it. > Access the magazine 

b. To celebrate the release of the PAGES Magazine on (Paleo)-Earthquakes and Tsunami Science, the 10th PAGES webinar took place today, 8 May, in collaboration with some of the authors who contributed to the Special Issue, and speakers including Jamie Howarth (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand), Siddharth Prizomwala (Institute of Seismological Research, Gandhinagar, India) and Belle Philibosian (U.S. Geological Survey). The recording of the webinar is available on the PAGES YouTube channel. > Watch  

3. IPCC calls for nomination of experts to draft outline of the Seventh Assessment Report

The call from the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) for the Working Group scoping has been released. The IPCC is calling on member governments and observer organizations to nominate experts who will draft the outline of the Working Group contributions to the Seventh Assessment Report. Nominations should be submitted by 7 June. 
IMPORTANT! The paleoscience community is likely to be aware of the fact that the paleoclimate chapter was removed from the IPCC WG1 assessment report for the AR6 cycle. PAGES believes it is crucial that the community get involved now for the AR7. You can do this by getting in touch with the relevant Focal Point of your country, as soon as possible, and submitting yourself for nominations as an expert in order to participate in the scoping meetings. Information on how to get involved with the IPCC can be found here.  

4. PAGES Mobility Fellowships

The deadline for both the Inter-Africa Mobility Research Fellowship Program for African early-career researchers (ECRs) and the International Mobility Research Fellowship Program for Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) ECRs is on 15 August. These mobility fellowships aim to contribute to the development of collaborative research and the promotion of paleoscience networks in the African and LAC regions. If you, or someone you know, intends on applying, please be mindful that the application process includes a letter from the host institution confirming they are willing to host the applicant. This can take some time, so it is advised that the process is started sooner rather than later. > More information   

5. Working group news

i. 2k Network 

The dates for the upcoming 2k Network workshop and training session have been confirmed. The training session will take place from 9–10 September 2024, and the workshop from 10–12 September 2024. The events will be held at the University of Nottingham, UK. There is an Expression of Interest form available for the organizers to gauge interest/numbers/in-person/hybrid attendance. If you are interested, please complete the form by 22 May. > Expression of Interest 2k Network workshop and training 

ii. Human Traces 

The recordings of the past two seminars are available to watch on the Human Traces YouTube playlist. These include Giorgia Camperio (Eawag & ETHZ) from 14 March on “Human traces in Remote Oceania revealed by sedimentary biomarkers” and Bianca Perren (British Antarctic Survey) on “Environmental change and impacts on prehistoric human colonization in Inutoqqat Nunaat, Northern Greenland” held on 24 April. > Access past webinar recordings   

6. SSC Annual meeting in Marrakech, Morocco

This year’s annual PAGES Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) meeting took place from 29 April – 3 May in Marrakech, Morocco, and online. The PAGES IPO would like to thank all SSC members for attending, either online or in-person. A special thank you to SSC member, Ilham Bouimetarhan, who, together with her team in Morocco, smoothly organized a very interesting and enjoyable time for everyone in Marrakech. The week was filled with a lot of hard work, but many enjoyable moments, including at the scientific symposium at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Cadi Ayyad University, Gueliz Marrakech, and a field trip to Imilil, in the Marrakech High Atlas mountains. If you would like to know more about applying to become a PAGES SSC member, you can visit the website here.  

7. PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN

The ECN newsletter aims to highlight news especially relevant to ECRs. If you find other announcements that you believe should be shared with the ECN, please email the Steering Committee () for inclusion in the monthly newsletter mailing list.

a. Project Pythia is the education working group for Pangeo and is an educational resource for the entire geoscience community. It is home to Python-centred learning resources that are open-source, community-owned, geoscience-focused, and high-quality. They will be hosting a Cookbook Cook-off hackathon from 11–14 June in Boulder, Colorado, at the NCAR Mesa Lab, or virtually via Zoom. This event will benefit students, researchers, developers, and professionals across a variety of coding skill levels interested in online learning resources in open geoscientific computing. Registration closes on 24 May. For more information visit the website.

b. The recording of the ECN webinar on "Let's Talk About Career Opportunities Outside Academia" is available to watch on the ECN YouTube playlist. > Watch 

8. Supported and endorsed workshops, endorsed, affiliated and past working groups' news
PAGES is pleased to have an association with the following groups and has provided either financial support or endorsement for the workshops and conferences.
Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups
Apply for workshop or conference endorsement
See PAGES former working groups

i. Carbon in Peat on Earth through Time (C-PEAT)

a. The results of a survey shared in late 2023 where participants were asked to identify the most pressing peatland research questions are currently being analyzed. The lead authors wanted to thank everyone who took part in the survey. They gathered 925 questions from 450 people, from 52 countries, which is very impressive. The plot details can be viewed on the C-PEAT webpage

b. The group invites interested parties to an in-person, funded workshop on peatland initiation processes. "Though the original project that is funding this workshop focuses on northern sites and processes, we are interested in integrating ideas related to tropical peatland initiation". The workshop will take place in Nevada, Reno (USA) from 10–13 June. Some themes to be explored include paleo evidence from the Holocene (talks and discussions) on day one, with the goal of generating a conceptual model for peat initiation that links environmental requirements and peat initiation and peatland initiation representation in models (talks and discussions) with the goal of integrating Day one conceptual model with Day two modeling knowledge. If you are interested in coming to this workshop, please RSVP to the workshop as soon as possible by emailing Julie Loisel (). Places are limited to 30 people. All expenses are covered (airfare, lodging, meals, transport). Feel free to share this invite with graduate students, postdocs and colleagues who would benefit from this workshop; send any questions to Julie. Everyone will be given the opportunity to give a talk and/or lead a discussion during breakout group sessions. The group intends to work on a group paper as well.

ii. Climate History Network

Registration for guest participants of the Nordic Climate History conference from 23–24 May in Tøyen Hovedgård, Oslo, is open. The event will connect historians, climatologists, curators and stakeholders and present a comprehensive overview over ongoing research and approaches in this emerging field. The deadline for in person participation is 16 May. > Calendar

iii. Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP

There are plans to have PMIP-Wings seminars on 23 May, 27 June and then again in September 2024. However, the webinars require organizing before the exact times can be set. The PMIP-Wings organizers are still looking for volunteers to speak at the seminars, so please consider reaching out if you would be interested in giving a (roughly) 20-minute long talk about your research. No abstract is required, but a title and science description to give the organizers an idea of who to pair you with is necessary. >  

iv. Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and AnaLysis (SISAL

The SISAL v3 database is available. Published by Kaushal N et al. in Earth System Science Data, this third version of the database is an expansion and update from previous versions which the authors maintain “constitutes a unique resource of speleothem palaeoclimate information”. > Access the article 

9. Future Earth 

i. Read the April newsletter 

ii. Funding Opportunities with upcoming deadlines
Inclusivity and Diversity Participation (ongoing deadline). This funding opportunity encourages members of the Future Earth networks to submit applications for support of travel, registration, and/or participation expenses.

iii. Pathways Autumn School
Applications are open for the Future Earth 2024 edition of the Pathways Autumn School "Transformative Research for a Just World and a Habitable Planet". The school is open to Doctoral researchers and researchers who finished their PhD within the last 10 years (excluding periods of parental leave), living and working in Europe. The deadline for applications is 22 May. > Further information 

10. Other news & opportunities

i. Mountain Research Initiative 
Newsletter April 2024

ii. Upcoming events

6th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI) 
Marrakesh, Morocco
15.05.2024 - 18.05.2024

XV International Palynological Congress and XI International Organization of Palaeobotany Congress (XV IPC-XI IOP)  
Prague, Czechia
21.05.2024 - 31.05.2024

Nordic Climate History. Learning from past experience 
Oslo, Norway
23.05.2024 - 24.05.2024

6th CRIAS workshop: Climate and Migration: Historical and Present Perspectives     
Brno, Czechia
03.06.2024 - 04.06.2024

Resilience and Sustainability: past trajectories, contemporary directions, policy relevance 
Princeton, NJ, United States
03.06.2024 - 05.06.2024

Climate of the past and societal responses to environmental changes      
Bern, Switzerland
05.06.2024 - 08.06.2024

Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress 2024 (SRI2024)    
Helsinki and Espoo, Finland
10.06.2024 - 14.06.2024
PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office
University of Bern, Main Building
Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland
Tel: +41 31 684 56 10  
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