Time: November 18 2022, 09h30-18h00

Place: De Geer Hall, Geoscience Building, Stockholm University at Campus Frescati and on ZoomWelcome to a workshop where we exchange ideas, share our experiences, find new inspiration and discuss possibilities to conduct field work at TRS and its surroundings. Everyone including students, researchers, teachers etc. interested in performing field work in this area are welcome!

Program and more information: here »
Please register: 
here »

New TRS master student grant
During the workshop, the new TRS student grant will be presented. The grant will be available for master students and its purpose is to cover field work cost at TRS for a master thesis. The grant will 20,000 SEK and will be awarded one student a year, starting 2023. From this grant, travels to and from TRS, accommodation at TRS and any possible additional field work cost can be covered. All master students are eligible to apply, regardless of research topic, or home university. 


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