CliC/CLIVAR Northern Oceans Region Panel CMIP6 Bootcamp

IASC-Funded Activity - AWG
11 October 2023 - 21 October 2023
Søminestationen, Denmark

The content of this Bootcamp will include scientific lectures, introduction to CMIP data, and applying the CMIP data. The main goals will be:

  • Learn how to work with climate model (CMIP6) data, from the modelers who produced them.
  • Use these data in conjunction with other datasets to answer crucial scientific questions about the past, present or future Arctic climate system, under the guidance of experts in the field.
  • Contribute to publications resulting from the Bootcamp.

This Bootcamp is intended for early-career scientists with research interests in climate and ocean, especially in the Arctic process study.

Project Lead

Amy Solomon

Year funded by IASC



All Dates

  • From 11 October 2023 to 21 October 2023

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