The Sustaining Arctic Observing Network (SAON) has initiated the Roadmap for Arctic Observing and Data Systems (ROADS) as a planning framework to support its national and organizational partners. In partnership with the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) these efforts are offering an IASC-ROADS Fellowship to support an early career researcher to get more involved in the work of SAON-ROADS. As an open initiative uniting Arctic and non-Arctic nations and organizations, SAON holds a unique position in the facilitation of and planning for sustained Arctic observational networks in support of societal benefit. The ROADS principle for equitable inclusion of Indigenous Peoples presents broad opportunities for shaping the governance of the ROADS process at its earliest stages, particularly in the robust establishment of processes and tools to support Co-Production of Knowledge (CPK) and equitable engagement of Indigenous Peoples in the process. We envision that a ROADS Fellow could engage in crafting foundational guidance and protocols related to CPK and Indigenous engagement, as well as work on engagement strategies. Early career researchers that specialized in CPK or Indigenous engagement are highly encouraged to apply; preference will be given to Arctic Indigenous Scholars or Knowledge Holders.

This application is currently closed

Fellowship Commitment

The duration of the Fellowship will be one year. During their appointment, the Fellow will be expected to attend the following meetings:

  • the Arctic Science Summit Week 2024 (ASSW 2024) and Arctic Observing Summit 2024 (21 - 29 March 2024 in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)
  • Online meetings of the ROADS Advisory Panel
  • other online meetings and workshops organized by SAON related to the SAON ROADS process
  • 4th International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP IV) / ASSW 2025 (21 - 28 March 2025 in Boulder, Colorado, USA)

Travel support to attend the ASSW 2024 and ICARP IV / ASSW 2025 for the IASC-ROADS Fellow during their Fellowship will be provided by IASC. Salary is not included during the Fellowship.

Fellowship Deliverables

  • Fellows will deliver meeting reports for the ROADS Advisory panel
  • Fellows will deliver program feedback and evaluations on ROADS-related development
  • As part of their Fellowship, Fellows will contribute to at least one peer reviewed publication and/or deliverable report to the Arctic Council Senior Arctic Officials.

How to apply for the IASC-ROADS Fellowships?

The application and selection process for the IASC-ROADS Fellowships is coordinated by the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) in cooperation with the SAON and IASC.

Application & Selection Criteria

Fellows should:

  • be Doctoral students / candidates, postdoctoral researchers or early career faculty members (up to 5 years past PhD), engaged in research relevant to SAON
  • have an affiliation with an institution in an IASC member country
  • commit to participating in the activities and meetings listed above in the announcement text from January 2024 March 2025.
  • be excited about international teamwork, be open to cross-disciplinary work
  • have a good command of English.

Application Form

If you are interested in the IASC-ROADS Fellowship 2024 then please submit the application form by 18 October at 13:00 GMT.


Application Form IASC-ROADS Fellowship 2024


If you have problems accessing or submitting the form, please contact the APECS Office at to receive a Word version of the form.

Late applications will not be considered. Successful applicants will be notified before the end of the year.

Selection Process

The selection of candidates is coordinated by APECS and will be only based on the material you provide in the application form – so please be as specific as possible. 

All applications will be reviewed in a blind review process with each application being reviewed by 2 independent reviewers. Applications will be reviewed according to multiple criteria including your research background and the quality of your statement of interest of why you would like to become an IASC Fellow. After this initial review process, top ranked candidates will be forwarded to the SAON Executive Committee, who will make the final decision on their Fellows.

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